Verify the download by running this command from terminal: You’d then issue this command: $ diskutil cs resizeStack / 300g. For example, if your Mac has a 500 GB internal hard drive, you might decide to allocate 300 GB for macOS, and 200 GB for elementary OS.Once you decide what size you want to resize your macOS partition down to, you can resize it with this command: $ diskutil cs resizeStack / XXXg, where XXX is the desired number of GB your macOS partition will be resized down to. If you plan on using elementary OS as your primary OS, you’ll want to give it much more, of course.Shrink your macOS partition to make room for elementary OS. On macOS, Time Machine is a great option for backing your computer up. This procedure has been tested multiple times, but there’s still a chance something could go wrong and you could lose data.

No, really! Make sure you have a backup, and make sure to test that it works. You do not copy the dollar sign :-) Prep Your Mac Hard Drive NOTE: For those who don’t know this, a dollar sign ( $) indicates that you type the command into a Terminal window.

This guide is written with recent versions of macOS in mind. You’re running OS X 10.11 El Capitan or macOS 10.12 Sierra If you have an existing install of elementary OS or Windows on your computer, this guide may not fully apply to you. Before we you begin, make sure: Your Mac only has macOS installed on it. This guide makes a few assumptions about the Mac you’re using. Installing elementary OS alongside macOS | elementary-on-a-mac elementary-on-a-mac 🏩 How-to: Install elementaryOS and macOS on a Mac View on GitHub Installing elementary OS alongside macOS Table of Contents